Why is a DUI expungement important?

In recent years, it has become obvious that the criminal justice system is far too punishing when it comes to the penalties and consequences it applies to people who run afoul of the law. Mostly this is seen in the area of drug crimes, where mandatory minimums and harsh sentences run rampant. It has led to people who commit relatively minor offenses, such as carrying around small amounts of illicit materials, to spend decades in jail.

This conversation relates to drunk driving charges, too. People who are charged or convicted of a DUI face a bevy of consequences, both direct and indirect, as a result of the offense. You can lose your license; you can lose your car; you can be thrown in jail; and you could pay tens of thousands of dollars to  comply with all of the issues that can arise as a result of a DUI.

Even after the legal consequences are complete, you can face punishment for your DUI. For example, if you apply for a new job, your potential employer will be able to see your DUI conviction in a background check. The same goes for applying for a new place to live.

It is in this regard that a DUI expungement is so important. An expungement will “seal” your DUI conviction, thus hiding it from people and organizations that would normally be able to access that information. The DUI can become unsealed, though, should you commit another crime. If you have been convicted of a DUI, an expungement can be very helpful.

Source: FindLaw, “DUI Expungement,” Accessed Oct. 1, 2015


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