There are harsher penalties the faster you speed

When you are driving on the highway or taking a route you have driven hundreds of times before, it can be easy to drive fast. You may be in a hurry to get home or late to meet someone. Regardless of the reason for speeding, the faster you go, the higher your risk of serious penalties if you are pulled over by a police officer.

In particular, driving 21 or more miles over the speed limit can result more points added to your license than reckless driving, running a stop sign or using your cell phone. The faster you go, the more points you could receive.

  • If you were going 21-30 miles over the limit, you could receive 6 points on your license.
  • If you were going 31-40 miles over the limit, you could receive 8 points on your license.
  • If you were going 40 or more miles over the limit, you could receive 11 points on your license.

After you receive 11 points on your license within an 18-month period, your license may be suspended.

Courts frown upon 21 and over speeding violations

In some situations, you may be able to contest your speeding ticket. However, this becomes more difficult that faster you are speeding. Courts in New York frown upon 21 and over speeding violations, and you may have a difficult time reducing your penalties as a result.

If you are pulled over, call an attorney

A defense attorney can protect your legal rights through the process and may be able to help you fight the traffic ticket. It is important to work with a local attorney who has experience handling tickets like the one you received in the court listed on your ticket.

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11 Market Street
Suite 221
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Phone: (845) 454-2385
Fax: (845) 454-2387

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Glenn R. Bruno, Esq.

New York Defense Lawyer
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