Underage drinking is a serious concern for many parents, police officers and establishments that sell alcohol. It can be bad enough when adults drive while intoxicated, but a person under the age of 21 who is driving drunk can be potentially more dangerous. Underage drinking also has many negative consequences that can shatter a strong educational future. The following story about one area’s efforts to stop alcohol sales to minors may interest readers in Poughkeepsie.
On Feb. 21, the state police in a New York town executed a sting operation designed to investigate stores that might sell alcohol to underage individuals. Police operatives who were underage went undercover to 35 businesses to try to buy alcoholic drinks. The New York State Liquor Authority helped the officers inspect the various liquor, grocery and convenience stores. Their actions led to one arrest. A woman was arrested on a count of first-degree unlawful dealings with a minor.
The captain of the state police stated that police were determined to prevent alcohol sales to people who are underage. He added that their aim was complete compliance from local businesses with the state laws involving alcohol and minors.
This story shows one side of the battle against underage drinking. Still, many young people have to deal with alcohol-related charges every year. Those accused should seek accurate, reliable legal counsel from a criminal defense attorney.
Source: news10.com, “Underage drinking sting nets one arrest,” Feb. 24, 2013