Judgment can become impaired after only one drink

A man with a long history of driving under the influence was arraigned in court recently for impaired driving. He caused an accident that completely paralyzed his passenger. He had four previous convictions in 1992, 1999, 2002 and 2003. Additionally, he was driving without a license and was uninsured. Because of the seriousness of the events and the dozen charges pending, including felony DUI, the man faces many years in prison. He was held on substantial bail.

The Orange County Assistant District Attorney actually wanted the bail to be 2.5 times higher than it was, but the suspect’s attorney argued successfully to get it lowered to $100,000 by stating the bail was “draconian in nature” and punitive. This illustrates the prevailing societal attitude against people alleged to have driven drunk and also indicates the necessary skill required of attorneys who argue these cases on their clients’ behalf.

Drivers do not have to be rip-roaring drunk or three sheets to the wind in order to be impaired. Certain drivers of small stature or low tolerance may be impaired after only a single drink. In all cases, drivers are safest after not drinking at all; however, many drivers do drink too much and need representation if they are arrested for it. Those who are so charged should seek out an attorney whose focus is defending clients alleged to have driven under the influence of alcohol.

Each person is entitled to equal protection under the law, and drunken drivers are no exception. He or she deserves an attorney who will pursue the case with all the zealousness required by the canons.

Source: University of Colorado,”Driving Under the Influence,”, Regents of the University of Colorado, 06/04/2013

Source: Times Herald-Record, “Driver in Crawford crash had previously done time for driving drunk“, Heather Yakin, May 25, 2013

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