From the moment a driver sees the flashing lights of a police car in the rear-view mirror, his or her life can change forever. The negative implications associated with a drunk driving conviction are significant and numerous and include costly fines, driver’s license revocation, time behind bars, marred reputation, job loss and damage to personal and professional relationships. Despite the high stakes associated with a DWI conviction, many people wrongly believe that there’s no way to successfully defend against DWI charges.
For individuals who have been arrested and charged with DWI, a criminal defense attorney will work to represent one’s best interest. An attorney will ensure that an individual understands the pending criminal charges, the possible implications of those charges and his or her options.
In some cases, an individual may choose to negotiate and accept a plea deal. In other cases, it makes sense to defend criminal charges and go to trial. To provide legal advice on how best to proceed, an attorney will work to thoroughly investigate any and all facts and evidence related to a case. From whether or not a police officer had probable cause to stop a driver to whether or not a driver is a first-time offender, an attorney will work on a client’s behalf to procure the best possible legal outcome.
In some cases, an attorney’s efforts may result in criminal charges being completely dismissed. Other times, an attorney is able to broker a plea deal that provides for minimum penalties. Residents in and around the Poughkeepsie area who are facing DWI charges, are advised to contact attorney Glenn R. Bruno. For more than two decades, attorney Bruno has provided strong legal advocacy for individuals facing criminal DWI charges.