Repeated drunk driving offenders may face lifetime bans

New York motorists who have multiple prior alcohol- or drug-related traffic convictions may have their drivers’ licenses permanently revoked. On May 9, the Court of Appeals ruled that the laws allowing lifetime bans were constitutionally permissible. Three drivers who had their licenses permanently revoked had sued the state, arguing that the laws were impermissibly broad

Repeated drunk driving offenders may face lifetime bans Read More »

Fewer traffic fatalities with ignition interlock devices

New York motorists who have a first-time conviction for driving under the influence are required by law to install an ignition interlock device on their vehicle. However, this is not the case in every state. As of March 2016, only 26 states had a mandatory requirement that the device must be installed after a first

Fewer traffic fatalities with ignition interlock devices Read More »

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Glenn R. Bruno, Esq.

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