Aggravated and felony DWI

Anyone who has ever been pulled over by a police officer likely experienced feelings of anxiety and even fear. In cases where being pulled over is followed by an officer requesting that a driver exit his or her motor vehicle and submit to a series of field sobriety tests, one’s anxiety level is likely to skyrocket. This is especially true in cases where an individual has previously been convicted of drunk driving or registers a blood alcohol limit of .18 or higher.

An individual who is determined to have a BAC of .18 or higher will be arrested and face criminal charges related to aggravated DWI. A first AGG DWI carries a mandatory file of between $1,000 and $2,500, up to 12 months in jail and driver’s license revocation of at least 12 months.

New York courts impose harsh penalties on so-called habitual drunk drivers. If convicted of an AGG DWI or DWI, any subsequent AGG DWI or DWI convictions are considered felonies. The penalties associated with subsequent AGG DWI or DWI convictions increase significantly and an individual will face thousands of dollars in fines, may be sentenced to spend up to seven years in jail and have his or her driver’s license revoked for a minimum of 12 to 18 months.

The repercussions associated with an aggravated or felony DWI charge are significant and likely to adversely affect an individual’s life in various ways. For example, an individual who cannot drive may lose his or her job and therefore means to financially support oneself or one’s family. This in often creates financial burdens and hardships that are often difficult to overcome as well as relationship and/or marital problems.

Given the numerous and significant negatives associated with an aggravated and felony DWI conviction, it’s imperative that anyone facing these types of criminal charges contact an attorney for guidance and assistance.

Source: New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, “Penalties for alcohol or drug-related violations,” Sept. 25, 2015

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11 Market Street
Suite 221
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Phone: (845) 454-2385
Fax: (845) 454-2387

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Glenn R. Bruno, Esq.

New York Defense Lawyer
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