Drivers throughout New York should be on the lookout for increased DWI enforcement over the July 4 weekend. The Clinton County STOP DWI enforcement program is just one part of a statewide effort to keep drunk or impaired driving to a minimum during the holiday. During the 2015 Fourth of July holiday period, there were 92 people killed in accidents involving a driver or motorcycle operator with a blood alcohol concentration of .15 percent or higher.
Between 2011 and 2015, 39 percent of all traffic fatalities were caused by alcohol-related accidents that took place during this holiday period. The enforcement period begins on June 30 and will continue until July 4. Those who are planning on drinking during the holiday are urged to walk to their destination, spend the night or plan on having a designated driver to take them home.
Those who are taken into custody for drunk or impaired driving may face a variety of consequences. In addition to legal penalties, a person may also face the prospect of being terminated from a job. A DWI charge may also strain relationships with family or friends. Therefore, it may be a good idea to talk with an attorney who may be able to help get the charge reduced or dismissed.
This may be done by casting doubt on the results of a Breathlyzer test taken at the scene of a traffic stop. An attorney may also argue that there was no reasonable suspicion that is normally required to conduct a traffic stop in the first place. If successful, a driver may avoid penalties such as jail time, a fine or a license suspension.