5 tips to follow when you are a designated driver

You and your friends are going out for a night on the town. Everyone wants to be safe so you have agreed to the designated driver for the night. You’ll forgo having drinks and ensure your friends get home safely.

The role of designated driver is extremely important.

Here are five tips to follow as a newly appointed designated driver (DD):

  • There are benefits to being the DD: The next day, as your friends are nursing hangovers, you’ll go the gym, get stuff done around the house and make meals for next week’s lunches. In other words, you’ll not have a hangover. Furthermore, drunken people can be very entertaining when you are sober.
  • Just say “No”: Like it or not, people who are drunk will also want you to “just do one shot.” They’ll try to buy you drinks, or go on about how you can’t possibly be having fun sober.

Remember, you agreed to be the DD this time, the pressure comes with the job. If you are worried about this, you can order virgin cocktails. The appearance of drinking is sometimes all you need to avoid being harassed.

  • Set ground rules: Set the rules are before you head out. Determine when the car is leaving and when the night will end. Set designated places to meet – especially if you are going to a large club and might lose each other. Is there extra room for new friends or are you just taking the original group home?
  • Watch for open containers: Drunk friends sometimes don’t know when to let the party cup go. As the DD, watch for bottles and cups that need to be disposed of or locked in the trunk. Just because you are not drunk doesn’t mean you couldn’t get pulled over and get into trouble.
  • Know when to take a cab: If you do make a mistake and start drinking – leave the car behind. Don’t drive home. Agree to share cab fare with friends, instead.

These tips can help avoid the dangers of drunk driving and keep you and your friends safe.

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